Margin & M2M
Things you
should know by now
Margins clearly play a very crucial
role in futures
trading as it enables one
to leverage. In fact, mar- gins are the one that gives
a ‘Futures Agreement’ the required financial twist (as compared
to the spot market
transaction). For this
reason, understanding the
margins and many
facets of margins is extremely important.
However before we proceed
any further, let us list down
a list of things you
should know by now. These
are concepts we had learnt
over the last 4 chapters, reiterating these crucial
takeaways will help us consolidate all
the learning. At this,
if you are
not clear about
any of the
following points you will need to revisit the previous chapters
and refresh your understanding.
Futures is an improvisation over the Forwards
2. The futures agreement inherits the transactional structure of the
forwards market
3. A futures agreement enables you to financially benefit
if you have
an accurate directional
view on the asset price
1. The futures agreement derives its value
from its corresponding underlying in the
spot market
a. For example TCS Futures
derives its value
from the underlying in the TCS Spot mar-
The Futures
price mimics the
underlying price in the spot
a. The futures price
and the spot price of an asset
are different, this is attributable to the futures pricing
formula. We will discuss this point at a later
stage in the module
3. The futures contract
is a standardized contract wherein
the variables of the agreement is predetermined – lot size and expiry date
Lot size
is the minimum
quantity specified in the futures
b. Contract value = Futures Price
* Lot Size
c. Expiry is the
last date up to which
one can hold
the futures agreement
4. To enter into a futures agreement one has to deposit a margin amount,
which is calcu- lated as a certain
% of the contract value
a. Margins
allow us to deposit a small amount
of money and
take exposure to a large
value transaction, thereby
leveraging on the
5. When we transact
in a futures contract, we digitally sign the agreement with the counter party, this
obligates us to honor the
contract upon expiry
6. The futures agreement is tradable. Which
means you need
not hold on to the
agreement till the expiry
a. You can hold the futures contract
till you have a conviction on the directional view on the asset,
once your view changes you can get out of the futures agreement
b. You can even hold
the futures agreement for a few
minutes and financially benefit if the price
moves in your
c. An example of the above point would be to buy Infosys Futures at
9:15 AM at a price of 1951 and sell it by 9:17AM at 1953. Since Infosys lot
size is 250, one would stand to make Rs.500/- (2 * 250) within a matter of 2 minutes
You can even choose
to hold it overnight for
a few days or hold
on to it till expiry.
Equity futures
contracts are cash
By virtue of leverage a small change
in the underlying, results in a massive impact
on the P&L
The profits
made by the
buyer is equivalent to the loss
made by the
seller and vice
10. Futures Instrument allows
one to transfer money from one pocket
to another, hence it is
called a “Zero Sum Game”
The higher
the leverage, the
higher the risk
12. The payoff structure of a futures
instrument is linear
13. The futures market is regulated by
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). Thanks to the watchful
eye of SEBI, there have been no incidence of counterparty default
in the futures market
you can clearly
understand the points
mentioned above then
I’d assume you are
on the right track so far. If you have any questions on any of the above
mentioned points then you need to re- visit the previous four
chapters to get the
concept right.
Anyway, assuming you
are clear so far let us now focus
more on concept
of margins and
mark to market.
– Why are Margins charged?
Let us now rewind back
to the example
we quoted in the forwards market (chapter 1).
In the ex- ample quoted,
3 months from now ABC Jewelers agrees
to buy 15Kgs of Gold at Rs.2450/- per gram from XYZ Gold
can now clearly
appreciate that any
variation in the
price of gold
will either affect
negatively. If the price of gold increases then XYZ suffers a loss and ABC makes
a profit. Likewise, if the price of gold decreases ABC suffers a loss and XYZ makes a profit. Also we know that a for-
wards agreement works
on a gentleman’s word. Consider
a situation where
the price of gold has drastically gone up placing
XYZ Gold Dealers in a difficult
spot. Clearly XYZ can say they cannot
make the necessary payment and
thereby default on the deal.
Obviously what follows
will be a long and grueling legal chase, but
that is outside our focus area. The point to be noted here is that, in a forwards
agreement the scope
and the incentive to default is very high.
Since futures market is an improvisation over the forwards
market, the angle
of default is care-
fully and intelligently dealt with.
This is where
the margins play a role.
In the forwards market there is no regulator. The agreement takes place between two parties with literally no intermediary watching over their transaction. However, in the futures
market, all trades are
routed through an exchange. The
exchange in return
takes the onus of guaranteeing
the settlement of all the
trades. When I say ‘onus of guaranteeing’, it literally means
the exchange makes sure you get your
money if you
are entitled. This
also means they
ensure they collect
the money from the
party who is supposed to pay up.
how does the
exchange make sure
this works seamlessly? Well, they make
this happen by means of –
1. Collecting the margins
2. Marking
the daily profits or losses to market (also called M2M)
briefly looked into
the concept of Margin in the previous chapter. The
concept of Margin
and M2M is something that you need
to know in parallel to fully appreciate the dynamics of futures
trading. However since
it is difficult to explain
both the concepts
at the same time, I would like to
pause a bit on margins
and proceed to M2M. We will understand M2M completely and come back again to margins. We will then
relook at margins keeping M2M in perspective. But before we move to M2M, I would like
you to keep
the following points
in the back
of your mind
At the time of initiating the futures position, margins are blocked
in your trading
2. The margins that
get blocked is also
called the “Initial Margin”
3. The initial margin
is made up of two
components i.e. SPAN margin
and the Exposure Margin
Initial Margin = SPAN Margin + Exposure Margin
5. Initial
Margin will be blocked in your trading
account for how
many ever days
you choose to hold
the futures trade
The value
of initial margin
varies daily as it depends
on the futures price
b. Remember, Initial Margin
= % of Contract Value
c. Contract Value = Futures Price
* Lot Size
d. Lot size is a fixed,
but the futures
price varies every
day. This means the
margins also vary everyday
– Mark to Market (M2M)
As we know the futures price
fluctuates on a daily basis, by virtue of which you either stand to make a profit or a loss.
Marking to market,
or mark to market (M2M)
is a simple accounting proce- dure which involves adjusting the profit or loss you
have made for
the day and
entitling you the same. As long as you hold
the futures contract, M2M is applicable. Let us take up a simple example to understand this.
Assume on 1st Dec 2014 at around 11:30 AM, you decide to
buy Hindalco Futures at Rs.165/-. The Lot size is 2000. 4 days later on 4th Dec
2014 you decide to square off the position at
2:15 PM at Rs.170.10/-. Clearly as the calculation below shows, this is
a profitable trade –
Buy Price = Rs.165 Sell Price = Rs.170.1
Profit per share = (170.1 – 165) = Rs.5.1/- Total Profit
= 2000 * 5.1
= Rs.10,200/-
However, the trade was held for 4 working days.
Each day the futures contract
is held, the profits or loss is marked to market. While
marking to market,
the previous day
closing price is taken as the reference rate to calculate the
profit or losses.
table above shows
the futures price
movement over the
4 days the
contract was held. Let us look at what happens
on a day to day
basis to understand how M2M works
On Day 1 at
11:30AM the futures contract was purchased at Rs.165/-, clearly after the con-
tract was purchased the price has gone up further to close at Rs.168.3/-. Hence
profit for the day is 168.3 minus 165 = Rs.3.3/- per share. Since the lot size
is 2000, the net profit for the day is 3.3*2000 = Rs.6600/-.
Hence the exchange ensures
(via the broker)
that Rs.6600/- is credited to your trading
ac- count at the end of the day.
1. But where is this money
coming from?
a. Obviously
it is coming from the
counterparty. Which
means the exchange is also en- suring that the counterparty is paying up Rs.6600/- towards
his loss
2. But how does
the exchange ensure
they get this money
from the party
who is supposed to pay up?
a. Obviously
through the margins
that are deposited at the time of initiating the trade. But more
on this later.
here is another
important aspect you need to note – from an accounting perspective, the fu- tures buy price is no longer
treated as Rs.165
but instead it will be considered as Rs.168.3/- (clos- ing price of the
day). Why is that so you may
ask? Well, the
profit that was
earned for the
day has been given
to you already
by means of crediting the
trading account. So you are
fair and square for the day, and the next day is considered a fresh start.
Hence the buy price is now considered at Rs. 168.3, which
is the closing price of the day.
On day 2, the futures closed at Rs.172.4/-, clearly
another day of profit. The profit earned for the day would be Rs.172.4/ – minus
Rs.168.3/- i.e. Rs.4.1/- per share or Rs.8,200/- net profit. The prof- its that
you are entitled to receive is credited to your trading account and the buy
price is reset to the day’s closing
price i.e. 172.4/-.
On day 3, the futures closed at Rs.171.6/- which means
with respect to the previous day’s close
price there is a loss to the extent of Rs.1600 /- (172.4 – 171.6 * 2000 ). The
loss amount will be auto- matically
debited from your trading account. Also, the buy price is now reset to Rs.171.6/-.
On day 4, the trader did not continue to hold the
position through the day, but rather
decided to square off the position mid day 2:15 PM at Rs.170.10/-. Hence with
respect to the previous day’s close
he again made a loss. That would be a loss of Rs.171.6/- minus Rs.170.1/- =
Rs.1.5/- per share and Rs.3000/- (1.5 * 2000) net loss. Needless to say after
the square off, it does not matter
where the futures price goes as the trader has squared off his position. Also,
Rs.3000/- is debited from the trading account by end of the day.
Now, let us just tabulate the value of the daily
mark to market
and see how
much money has come in and how
much money has
gone out –
Well, if you summed
up all the
M2M cash flow
you will end
up the same
amount that we origi-
nally calculated, which is –
Buy Price = Rs.165/- Sell Price = Rs.170.1/-
Profit per share = (170.1 – 165) = Rs.5.1/- Total Profit
= 2000 * 5.1
= Rs.10,200/-
So, the mark to market is just a daily accounting
adjustment where –
1. Money is either
credited or debited
(also called daily
obligation) based on how the fu-
tures price behaves
2. The previous day close price
is taken into consideration to calculate the present day M2M
do you think M2M is required in the first
place? Well, think
about it – M2M is a daily
cash ad- justment by means of which the exchange drastically reduces the counterparty default risk. As long
a trader holds
the contract, the exchange by virtue of the M2M ensures both the parties
are fair
and square on a daily basis.
Now, keeping this
basic concept of M2M, let
us now move
back to relook
at margins and
see how the trade
evolves during its
– Margins, the bigger perspective
Let us now relook at margins keeping
M2M in perspective. As mentioned earlier, the
margins re- quired at the
time of initiating a futures trade is called “Initial Margin (IM)”. Initial margin is a certain % of the contract value.
We also know –
Initial Margin (IM) = SPAN Margin + Exposure Margin
and every time
a trader initiates a futures trade
(for that matter
any trade) there
are few financial intermediaries who work in the background making sure that
the trade carries
out smoothly. The two prominent financial intermediaries are the broker and the exchange.
if the client defaults on an obligation, obviously it has a financial repercussion on both the
broker and the exchange. Hence
if both the
financial intermediaries have
to be insulated against
a possible client default, then
both of them
need to be covered
adequately by means
of a margin deposit.
In fact this is exactly how it works – ‘SPAN Margin’ is the minimum requisite
margins blocked as per the exchange’s mandate and ‘Exposure Margin’ is
the margin blocked over and above the SPAN to cushion for any MTM losses. Do note
both SPAN and Exposure margin are
specified by the exchange. So at the
time of initiating a futures trade the client has to adhere to the initial mar-
gin requirement. The entire initial
margin (SPAN + Exposure)
is blocked by the exchange.
Between the two margins, SPAN Margin is more important as not having
this in your account means a penalty
from the exchange. The SPAN margin requirement has to be strictly maintained as
long as the
trader wishes to carry his
position overnight/next day. In fact for
this reason, SPAN margin
is also sometimes referred to as the “Maintenance Margin”.
how does the
exchange decide what
should be the
SPAN margin requirement for
a particular futures contract? Well,
they use an advance algorithm to calculate the SPAN margins on a daily basis. One of the key inputs
that goes into this algorithm is the ‘Volatility’ of the stock.
Volatility is a very crucial concept;
we will discuss
it at length in the next module.
For now just remember
this – if volatility is expected to go up, the SPAN margin requirement also goes up.
Exposure margin, which is an additional margin,
varies between 4% -5% of the contract value.
Now, let us look at a futures
trade keeping both
the margin and
the M2M in perspective. The trade details are as shown below
Margin calculator that expliitly states the SPAN and Exposure margin
requirements. Of course,
at a later stage we will dis-
cuss in detail the utility
of this extremely useful tool. But for now, you could check
out this mar- gin calculator.
keeping the above
trade details in perspective, let
us look at how the
margins and M2M
plays a role simultaneously during the life of the trade. The table
below shows how the dynamics change on a day to day basis –
hope you don’t
get intimidated looking at the table
above, in fact it is quite easy to under- stand. Let us go through it sequentially, day by day.
10th Dec 2014
Sometime during
the day, HDFC Bank futures contract
was purchased at Rs.938.7/-. Lot size is 250,
hence the contract
value is Rs.234,675/-. As we can see from the box on the right, SPAN is 7.5%
and Exposure is 5% of CV respectively.
Hence 12.5% of CV is blocked
as margins (SPAN + Exposure), this works up to a total margin
of Rs.29,334/-. The initial
margin is also considered as the initial cash blocked by
the broker.
Going ahead, HDFC closes
at 940 for
the day. At 940, the
CV is now Rs.235,000/- and
therefore the total margin
requirement is Rs.29,375/- which is a marginal increase
of Rs.41/- when com-
pared to the margin required
at the time of the trade initiation. The client is not required
to in- fuse this money into
his account as he is sufficiently covered with
a M2M profit of Rs.325/- which will be credited to his account.
The total cash balance in the trading account =
Cash Balance + M2M
= Rs.29,334 + Rs.325
= Rs.29,659/-
Clearly, the cash balance is more than the total margin
requirement of Rs.29,375/- hence there is no problem. Further, the reference
rate for the next day’s M2M is now set to Rs.940/-.
11th Dec 2014
next day, HDFC Bank drop by Rs.1/- to Rs.939/- per share impacting the M2M by negative
Rs.250/-. This money
is taken out from the cash balance (and will be credited to the person making this money). Hence
the new cash
balance will be –
= 29659 – 250
= Rs.29,409/-
Also, the new margin requirement is calculated as
Rs.29,344/-. Clearly the cash balance is higher than the margin required, hence
there is nothing to worry about. Also, the reference rate for the next day’s
M2M is reset at Rs.939/-
12th Dec 2014
This is an interesting day. The futures price fell by
Rs.9/- taking the price to Rs.930/- per share. At Rs.930/- the margin
requirement also falls to Rs.29,063/-. However because of an M2M loss of
Rs.2250/- the cash balance drops to Rs.27,159/- (29409 – 2250), which is less
than the total margin requirement. Now since the cash balance is less than the
total margin requirement, is the client required to pump in the additional
money? Not really.
Remember between the SPAN and Exposure margin,
the most sacred
one is the SPAN margin.
Most of the brokers allow
you to continue to hold your
positions as long
as you have
the SPAN
Margin (or maintenance margin).
Moment the cash balance falls
below the maintenance margin, they will call you asking you to pump in more money. In
the absence of which, they will force close the positions themselves. This call, that the broker
makes requesting you to pump in the required margin money is also popularly called the “Margin Call”. So, if you are getting a margin
call from your broker,
it means your cash balance
is dangerously low to continue
the position.
Going back to the example, the cash balance of
Rs.27,159/- is above the SPAN margin (Rs.17,438/-) hence there is no problem.
The M2M loss is debited from the trading account and the reference rate for the
next day’s M2M is reset to Rs.930/-.
Well, I hope you
have got a sense of how both
margins and M2M
come into play
simultaneously. I also hope
you are able
to appreciate how
by virtue of the margins
and M2M, the
exchange can ef- ficiently tackle the threat
of a possible default by a client.
The margin + M2M combination is virtu- ally a fool proof
method to ensure
defaults don’t occur.
Assuming you are getting
a sense of the dynamics
of margins and M2M calculation, I will now take the liberty to cut through
the remaining days and proceed
directly to the last day of trade.
19th Dec 2014
At 955, the trader decides to cash out and square off the
trade. The reference rate for M2M is
the previous day’s closing rate which is Rs.938. So the M2M profit
would Rs.4250/- which gets added to the previous day cash balance of
Rs.29,159/-. The final cash balance of Rs.33,409/- (Rs.29,159 + Rs.4250) will
be released by the broker as soon as the trader squares off the trade.
So what about the overall P&L of the trade?
Well, there are many ways to calculate this –
Method 1) – Sum up all the M2M’s
P&L = Sum of all M2M’s
= 325 – 250 – 2250 + 4750 – 4000 – 2000 + 3250 + 4250
= Rs.4,075/-
Method 2) – Cash Release
P&L = Final Cash balance (released by broker)
– Cash Blocked Initially (initial margin)
= 33409 – 29334
= Rs.4,075/-Method 3) – Contract Value
P&L = Final Contract Value – Initial Contract
= Rs.238,750 – Rs.234,675
4) – Futures Price
P&L = (Difference b/w the futures buy & sell price
) * Lot Size Buy Price = 938.7, Sell Price = 955, Lot size = 250
= 16.3 * 250
= Rs. 4,075/-
As you can notice, either which ways you calculate,
you arrive at the same P&L value.
– An interesting case of ‘Margin Call’
a moment, let us assume
the trade was not closed
on 19th Dec, and in fact carried
forward to the next day i.e
20th Dec. Also, let us assume HDFC Bank drops heavily on 20th December – maybe a 8% drop,
dragging the price
to 880 all the way from 955. What do you think
will happen? In fact,
can you answer
the following questions?
1. What is the M2M
2. What is the impact on cash balance?
3. What is the
SPAN and Exposure margin
4. What
action does the broker take?
I hope you are able to calculate and answer these
questions yourself, if not here are the answers for you –
1. The M2M loss would be Rs.18,750/- = (955 – 880)*250. The cash balance
on 19th Dec was Rs. 33,409/-
from which the M2M loss would be deducted making the cash balance Rs.14,659/-
(Rs.33,409 – Rs.18,750).
Since the price has dropped the new
contract value would be Rs.220,000/- (250*880)
a. SPAN = 7.5% * 220000 = Rs.16,500/-
a. Exposure
= Rs.11,000/-
b. Total Margin = Rs.27,500/-
3. Clearly, since
the cash balance (Rs.14,659/-) is less than SPAN
Margin (Rs.16,500/-), the broker will give a Margin Call to the client,
or in fact some brokers will even cut the position real time as and when the cash balance drops below the SPAN requirement.
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