Futures Contract Overview
Futures Contract
As we now know that the core transactional structure of the futures and forwards is the same, I
guess it makes sense to look into the features that distinguishes the Futures from the forwards.
We will have a quick sneak peek into these features in this chapter, but at a later stage we will dig
into each and every feature in greater detail.
Recall, in the example we had quoted in the previous chapter, ABC jeweler enters into an agreement
with XYZ to buy a certain quantity of gold at a certain point in the future. Now imagine this,
what if ABC found it really hard to find XYZ as a counter party to the agreement? Under such circumstances
though ABC has a certain view on gold and is also willing to enter into a financial
agreement, they would be left helpless simply because there is no counter party to take the opposite
side of the agreement.
Now further imagine this, what if ABC instead of spending its time and effort to scout for a counterparty,b
simply decides to walk into a financial supermarket where there are many counterparties
willing to take the opposite view. With such a financial supermarket in place, ABC has to just
announce its intention and the willing counterparties would line up to take the opposing stance.
What more, a true financial supermarket of this sort would not just have people with a view on
gold, but instead will also have people with a view on Silver, Copper, Crude oil, and pretty much
any asset class including stocks!
In fact, this is exactly how the Futures Contracts are made available. They are available and accessible
to all of us and not just available to a corporate such as ABC Jewelers. The futures contracts
are available to us in the financial (super) market, often called the “Exchange”. The exchange can be a stock exchange or a commodity exchange.
As we know a futures contract is structured a little differently compared to a forwards contract.
This is mainly to overcome the risks involved in the forwards market. Let us look at each of these points that differentiate the futures from the forwards agreement.
Note, after reading through the following points you may still not be very clear about futures,
that’s alright, just keep the following points in perspective. We will shortly consider a futures example and with that you should be clear about the way in which Futures agreement works.
Futures Contract mimics the underlying – In the example of ABC jewelers and XYZ Gold Dealers the forwards agreement was based on gold (as an asset) and its price. However, when it comes to a Futures Contract, the agreement is based on the ‘future price’ of the asset. The futures price mimics the asset, which is also called the underlying. For example gold as an asset can have a ‘Gold Futures’ contract. Think of the underlying and its futures contract somewhat as twin siblings.
Whatever the underlying asset does, the futures contract does the same. Therefore if the price of the underlying goes up, the price of the futures contract would also go up. Likewise if the price of the underlying goes does, the price of the futures contract also goes down.
Standardized Contracts – Again going back to the example of ABC jewelers and XYZ Gold Dealers
the agreement was to deal with 15 kgs of gold of certain purity. If both the parties mutually agreed, the agreement could have been for 14.5Kgs or 15.25 Kgs or whatever they would think is
convenient for them. However in the futures contract, the parameters are standardized. They are
not negotiable.
Futures Contracts are tradable – The futures contract is easily tradable. Meaning if I get into an
agreement with counterparty, unlike a forward contract, I need not honor the contract till the end
(also called the expiry day). At any point in time if my view changes, I can just transfer the contract
to someone else and get out of the agreement.
Futures Market is highly regulated – The Futures markets (or for that matter the entire financial
derivatives market) is highly regulated by a regulatory authority. In India, the regulatory authority
is “Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)”. This means, there is always someone overlooking
the activities in the market and making sure things run smoothly. This also means default on
a futures agreement is hardly a possibility.
Contracts are time bound – We will understand this point in detail a bit later but for now, do remember that all the futures contracts available to you have different time frames. In the example
from previous chapter, ABC jewelers had a certain view on gold keeping 3 months in perspective.
If ABC were to do a similar agreement in the futures market, contracts would be available to them
in the 1 month, 2 month, and 3 month time frame. The time frame upto which the contract lasts is
called ‘The expiry’ of the contract.
Cash settled – Most of the futures contracts are cash settled. This means only the cash differential
is paid out. There is no worry of moving the physical asset from one place to another. More so
the cash settlement is overseen by the regulatory authority ensuring total transparency in the
cash settlement process.
To sum up, here is a table that quickly summarizes the difference between the “Forwards Contract”
and “Futures Contract”
At this stage,
I feel there is a need to stress upon the distinction between the spot price and
the future price. The spot price is the price at which the asset trades in the ‘regular’
market, also called the ‘spot
market’. For
example if we are talking
about gold as an underlying, then there are two
prices we are referring to – gold in the regular market
also called the Spot market
and gold in the Futures market called the Gold
Futures. The prices in the spot market and futures market move in tandem, meaning
if one goes
up, the other
also goes up.
With these points in perspective, let us now move our
attention to few other nuances of the fu- tures contract.
Before your first futures trade
Before we dig deeper
and understand the working of a futures
contract, we need to understand a few other aspects
related to futures
trading. Do remember at a later
stage we will revisit
these points and discuss
them in greater
detail. But for
now, a good working
knowledge on the
follow- ing points is what is required.
Lot size –
Futures is a standardized contract
where everything related
to the agreement is pre- determined. Lot size is one such
parameter. Lot
size specifies the
minimum quantity that
you will have to transact in a futures
contract. Lot size
varies from one
asset to another.
Value – In our example of ABC jeweler
and XYZ Gold Dealers,
ABC agreed to buy 15 kgs
of Gold at the rate of Rs.2450/- per gram or Rs.24,50,000/- per kilogram. Since
the deal was to buy 15
kgs, the whole
deal was valued
at Rs.24,50,000 x 15 = Rs.3.675 Crs.
In this case
it is said that the ‘Contract Value’ is Rs.3.675 Crs. Simply put, the contract
value is the quantity times
the price of the
asset. We know
the futures agreement has a standard pre-determined minimum quantity (lot size). Going by this, the contract value of a futures
agreement can be generalized to “Lot size x Price”.
Margin – Again, referring back to the example of ABC jeweler
and XYZ Gold Dealers,
at the time of agreement i.e
on 9th Dec
2014, both the
parties would have
had a gentleman’s word and
nothing beyond that. Meaning
both the parties
would have just agreed to honor the contract on the agree- ment’s expiry
day i.e 9th March 2015.
Do notice there
is no exchange of money on 9th Dec 2014.
However, in a futures agreement the moment a transaction takes place,
both the parties
involved will have to deposit some money. Consider
this as the token advance
required for entering
into an agreement. The
money has to be deposited with the broker. Usually, the money that
needs to be deposited is
calculated as a % of the contract value. This is called the ‘margin amount’. Mar- gins play a very
pivotal role in futures trading; we will understand this in greater
detail at a later
stage. For now, just remember that to
enter into a futures agreement a margin amount is re- quired, which
is a certain percentage of the contract
Expiry – As we know, all
futures contracts are
time bound. The
expiry or the
expiry date of the fu- tures contract is the
date upto which
the agreement is valid. Beyond
the valid date,
the contract ceases to exist. Also be aware
that the day a contract
expires, new contracts are introduced by the exchanges.
these few points
that we have discussed so far, I guess
we are now equipped to understand
a simple example of futures
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